Traveling and Expensive Jewelry

stylish accessories on light surface of table

This is something I think about on a regular basis as I not only discuss it with customers, I experience it in my own life. In this article I will summarize some precautions for the jewelry you’re leaving at home, how you should travel with what you decide to bring and what to consider before making any big purchases while on a trip.

When you first purchased your fine jewelry, the business probably provided you with some documentation in addition to your receipt. Some stores will even offer an appraisal with your purchase but if not, it is wise to seek a professional jewelry appraiser to create one for you. Our rule of thumb was that if your piece is valued over $1,000 USD you should probably have it insured and most insurance companies will require a current appraisal. I started with this because whether or not you are wearing, traveling or locking up your expensive jewelry, it’s wise to have it insured. I’ve seen insurance providers cover damage and loss which I’m sure will vary with each company. With any special jewelry no matter what the monetary value, keep your own personal inventory with photos and receipts should you ever need a reference or proof of ownership.

“What should I do with jewelry I’m leaving at home?” It’s good practice to have a safe place to store your valuables whenever you aren’t home. Obviously, jewelry boxes that can easily be spotted and carried out would not be the best place. A home vault/safe, an inconspicuous storage space or a safety deposit box would be ideal. Avoid placing your jewelry in plain sight at any time to help prevent theft.

“What jewelry is safe to take on vacation?” Before your trip, think about the activities you plan on doing. Will you be putting on any gear for ziplining or skiing? Do you plan on soaking in a chlorine pool or riding an ATV through a muddy trail? Or are you mainly sight-seeing and riding on the train. Try to conceal the jewelry you plan on wearing to avoid being targeted by thieves. Be practical in what you pack and decide to wear. If staying at a hotel, call in advance to see if their rooms have a safe for when you don’t plan on wearing your jewelry. I have customers who buy “travel jewelry” which serves as an inexpensive alternative to wearing their expensive ones. Once you’ve decided on what you’re bringing, make yourself a note so you can make sure you have them all when you’re packing to return. For high ticket jewelry, it may also be wise to look up any customs restrictions where you’re headed.

“How should I pack my jewelry when I go on a trip?” If you don’t plan on wearing your jewelry until you’ve reached your destination, place your jewelry in a travel case and keep it with you at all times (in a purse or carry-on bag). You’ll find several storage cases that are small and will keep from everything clunking around or getting tangled. Do not ever put your expensive jewelry in checked luggage or one that will leave your sight at any time. I have heard multiple stories of people losing jewelry and watches this way.

“Is it OK to buy expensive jewelry when on vacation?” Well of course, as long as you’ve done your homework on that establishment. Do they have a website? Are there real reviews of them online? Were they referred by a friend or credible source? Is the jewelry part of a well known brand? What are the store policies and warranties? I have had several customers come in and say, “I bought this while I was on vacation, can you check if it’s real and if it’s the quality they told me it was?” That tells me they weren’t confident in the authenticity of their purchase which I know is not a good feeling. It’s not like they’re going to hop on a plane back to that store just to get their money back. It’s wonderful to have jewelry that reminds you of your trips, just make smart decisions before swiping your card.

I often say to people “We don’t buy jewelry so it can sit in a box” but only because they live in so much fear of losing their jewelry that they choose not to wear them at all. It’s true, heirlooms and jewelry with sentimental value is irreplaceable. At times, it would seem like damage, loss and theft is unavoidable. Such is life. All we can do is keep our jewelry in good condition, be mindful of how they’re treated and enjoy them as much as possible. You know what they say… “You can’t take it with you.”

black jewelry box with rings and necklace
Photo by Din on