Sandals Grande St. Lucian

For the past couple of years, my husband and I have been fortunate enough to visit Beaches Turks & Caicos for our annual family vacation. We enjoy the beautiful resort and its all-inclusive advantages so much that we decided to look into the Adult Only locations. I have to share that my husband and I are two different types of vacationers. He likes to wake up early, look for hiking spots, then grab a frozen drink on his way to the pool. I, on the other hand, prefer to sleep in, arrive late to breakfast then read a book (drink cocktails) while facing the ocean. We reviewed the different resorts and agreed, Sandals St. Lucia was where we wanted to take our next vacation. We booked to go in the summer of 2020 but we found ourselves at home (like most people in the world) binge watching Lost instead. As the travel restrictions slowly lifted, we rebooked for early July of 2021.

It’s noted that it takes about 120 minutes to get to the resort from the airport but we ran into some traffic (as expected that time of day). Between the heat and wearing our masks in the shuttle, that trip probably seemed much longer than it actually was. During the check-in process in their partially enclosed lobby, we were handed a glass of champagne as we took in the island views. I would recommend researching and booking your excursions before your arrival and making note of which restaurants you want to dine in as some can be by reservation only (or have a dress code). We have been accustomed to dropping by Soy (sushi restaurant) for dinner on the first night of our trips since they don’t require a reservation and the food is pretty good. Unlimited sushi and cocktails, what else can you ask for after a day of travel?

Early the next morning (I told you my husband moves fast), we were picked up by the shuttle to our boat ride excursion to see the famous pitons before taking a mud bath at Sulphur Springs. Should you decide to book this excursion also (which was a great experience!), I would recommend securing your jewelry in your room (so it doesn’t get damaged or lost), wearing a dark colored swimsuit (the mud bath could stain light fabric) and bringing cash in case you want to purchase anything from the local street vendors (or for tips). Prepare to have your camera out during the boat ride because you will pass a lot of beautiful scenery worth capturing. Once the boat took us across, there was a shuttle waiting for us at the gate that would take us to the Sulphur Springs. It was a relatively short ride but we knew when we were close because the smell was… interesting. We eased ourselves in the hot mud and while no one would stop us from fully submerging, I opted to only go from my neck down. The mud bath is known to naturally heal the body and make you look younger so I probably should’ve at least rubbed some on my face… We rinsed off at their outdoor shower area then proceeded to get back on the shuttle so we could drive to the nearby waterfall. We stood in line with the other visitors to walk underneath the falls and be photographed by the guide. The water was cool and refreshing, the perfect way to wrap up the excursion. Back on the boat, we would be cruising back around lunch time and they provided some island style fare (we had jerk chicken, rice and veggies) along with libations. The dance music was turned up and we partied our way back to the resort. We had some time before our dinner reservations at Gordons (seafood restaurant on the pier) so we continued to drink Piña Coladas while relaxing on the beach.

The following day, Hurricane Elsa decided she also wanted to go to St. Lucia. We ran through the rain to eat at Bayside (they have a breakfast buffet) and watched the trees fight against the strong winds. Sandals planned for this kind of weather so since we weren’t able to do anything outside, they arranged entertainment at the lobby. There was a DJ, contests, games and the most popular area was the bar. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a blender work so hard! Thankfully the worst of Elsa was done by that evening. We had dinner at Toscaninis (Italian cuisine) and were able to take an evening stroll to the pier after. This was a memorable night as my now-husband proposed to me at the end of that pier. I suppose he didn’t think it would’ve been as romantic the previous year when we were arguing about the season finale of Lost.

On our last day we only had one thing on our agenda, relax on the beach. We got the talking with other couples as we bounced back and forth from the beach to the pool. This was the first day we were fully able to enjoy the resort as we lounged, walked and sipped our cocktails at all the different common areas. My husband (then-fiancé) arranged for a private dinner on the beach (Elsa cancelled it for us the night before) and we shared a romantic 4-course meal while listening to the waves.

Another great perk at Sandals resorts is that they include scuba diving and water sports. After our vacation, my husband decided to become a certified diver along with a few of our other friends. We enjoyed this resort so much that we booked a group trip in September of 2022. We did a couple of things differently this time around…

This time we arranged for a helicopter to take us to the resort and back to airport. Even though it was initially for getting us to our destination sooner, the view was pretty spectacular. We did the Sulphur Springs excursion again to experience it with our friends and also signed on for the Sunset Cruise. The certified divers in our group signed up for several guided excursions during our trip while I hung back at the resort to keep the bartenders company. We sailed on the Hobie Cat, snorkeled and a few of us went wake boarding. I even visited Josephine’s for a lunch crepe before getting a massage at the spa while everyone else hiked Pigeon Island. To each their own!

There is plenty to see and do while staying at this resort. We have experienced it during a hurricane, sunny skies, just the two of us and with friends. We thoroughly enjoyed it both times. I like to rate things by whether or not I would do it again so my answer is, “when can I go back?”

One response to “Sandals Grande St. Lucian”

  1. Penny Birdsong Avatar
    Penny Birdsong

    Great review! The scenery looks amazing. Good to know that the resort was able to accommodate the guest during rough weather.