About Me

I was born in the Philippines and took my first airplane ride to the US in the early 90’s. Even at a young age, I had a passion for writing (poems, short stories, scripts). While I’m a little late to the blog game, it’s a way for me to exercise this desire to write while working and traveling.

My first job in jewelry was back in 2006 mainly as administrative for a big chain store. It didn’t take long for my manager to see that I had a natural way of conversing with people that eventually lead me into sales. I loved jewelry so selling it was easy but commission sales in a corporate retail store can be very stressful. I lost my passion for selling jewelry until a door opened for me to work for a family owned shop. I was now able to build relationships with my customers without the pressures of a heavy quota. I know that jewelry is personal (and can be expensive) which is why I try to make it a pleasant experience by being informative and sincere when assisting clients.

While working full time I tried to travel as much as I could with friends and family. Most of the places I visited were in the U.S. It wasn’t until I met my husband in 2017 that I found myself in and out of town more as he also had a passion for traveling. We are blessed enough to experience these beautiful places and I love being able to relive all of them through these blogs. I thought perhaps as I journal my personal experience on these trips, it may plant a seed for someone else’s next vacation.

As I continue to log my life in business and pleasure, you can expect to see more tips on jewelry and the adventures I get to go on despite being out of vacation time…

Thanks for visiting my site!